Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Padlet 4 Lyfe

              This week Jeremy, Kelsey, Jessica and Katie showed us how to create and use a Padlet and I'm so glad they did!  I have never heard of Padlet, let alone used it before, and now I think I will use it as the framework for my curriculum.  This website is very easy to use and it's quick to upload pictures, files and videos.  A screenshot of the work in progress is seen above, and the link to my Padlet is below.  There were several templates to choose from, but I preferred the free-form.  All the boxes I created can be moved and placed anywhere.  I think what I might do is first use this a reference for students and parents so they have access to everything we do all the time.  I also posted the Michigan Curriculum Standards for Chemistry and the Next Generation Science Standards that are relevant for beginning teachers today.  For the future, I might make a Padlet for my coursework in the School of Education as a Secondary MAC, and post very useful materials for me, and my fellow educators, to use as a reference.  Thanks guys for showing us this awesome website!  You also did an amazing job at showing the class how to use it too!

1 comment:

  1. I am also now a Padlet fanatic! After reading your blog post, I'm curious to know how you plan on integrating Padlet into your classroom. Are there specific lessons you're looking to teach with Padlet? I've found it useful for organizing movie clips that I incorporated into a lesson, and I'd like to try and use it for making character maps for the literature I read with my students, but beyond that I'm still trying to figure out how to use this technology. I think Padlet is awesome, but I want to make sure I'm using it productively. What are your thoughts so far?
